Announcing Our ISEE Test Prep Video Course

Our ISEE Upper Level online test prep now includes an available Premium Video Course with over 7 hours of instruction and guided practice split across 37 videos. The video course is meant to replicate a standard, in-person ISEE prep class but from the comfort and convenience of the student's home. Each of the ISEE [...]

By |2024-08-22T11:57:17-05:00June 14th, 2024|Piqosity News, ZPQA ISEE|

When Should You Start Preparing for the ISEE Test

Students prepare for the ISEE private school admissions test year-round; however, assuming a January or February test date and application deadline, about a quarter of students will start preparing in summer; half—the majority—will start in fall, and the remainder will play catch-up in winter. But you should start preparing for the ISEE private school [...]

By |2022-06-23T16:54:01-05:00April 7th, 2021|ISEE Test Prep, ZPQA ISEE|
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