The ISEE test can be difficult but it does not have to be. The ISEE tests both what students have learned in school (achievement) as well as how they apply that knowledge to new and novel situations (reasoning). The ISEE test is comprised of four scored sections in this order:

  1. Verbal Reasoning
  2. Quantitative Reasoning
  3. Reading Comprehension
  4. Mathematics Achievement

High achieving students who are already performing well in school tend to naturally do well on the achievement parts of the test (Reading Comprehension and Mathematics Achievement). Conversely students who are already struggling with fractions or building their vocabularies will see those deficiencies amplified on the ISEE.

Almost all students find the two reasoning sections difficult (Verbal Reasoning and Quantitative Reasoning). These two sections are specifically designed to challenge students to take their in-class learning one step further.

Read more about ISEE test difficulty.