ISEE Middle Level Math Review

On the ISEE Middl level, math skills are tested in the Quantitative Reasoning and Mathematics Achievement sections. The ERB follows the standards set forth by the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) to determine how the ISEE will test a student’s ability in mathematics. Students taking the ISEE Middle Level should be familiar with the following concepts, as stated by the ERB:

Numbers and Operations 

  • Analyze, perform operations on, and compare integers, fractions, decimals, and percents


  • Represent, interpret, and evaluate mathematical situations involving patterns, functions, and relationships


  • Understand characteristics and properties of geometric figures; and
  • Describe geometric shapes and figures


  • Understand and use formulas for measurable attributes of objects

Data Analysis & Probability 

  • Collect, display, interpret, and make predictions about a set of data
  • Understand and apply the basic concepts of probability

Mathematics Review

Listed in the column to the right, you’ll find quick review guides for the 40 of the most important math topics tested on the ISEE Middle Level. Though you may be familiar with a concept, it would behoove you to review the information and complete the practice.

It is important to note that some of the concepts covered in this review are ones that you probably have never seen before. Do not worry if this is true. Instead, you should solidify your knowledge of familiar concepts, and then begin building your knowledge of the new concepts.