Our Digital SAT online test prep course now includes a Premium Video Course with over 11 hours of instruction and guided practice split across 41 videos. The video course is meant to replicate a standard, in-person SAT prep class but on the student’s schedule and from the comfort and convenience of their home. Each of the SAT prep video modules is divided into three parts:

  1. Instructional lesson explaining a core concept tested on the Digital SAT
  2. Practice SAT questions pertaining to that concept
  3. Instructor-led explanation of the practice questions

The instructor-led explanation of practice questions is a significant component of the SAT prep video course. In total, our brilliant tutors spend nearly 6 hours guiding students step-by-step through SAT practice test questions:

  • SAT Reading & Writing Practice – 33 questions
  • SAT Math Practice – 81 questions

Including the concept videos, time to complete the practice, and instructor answer explanations, the entire Digital SAT prep video course should take most students about 12 hours to complete.

The video modules are integrated into Piqosity’s learning platform, meaning that students work the practice questions before seeing the guided answer explanations. This integration ensures that students are actively engaging with the material and not just passively viewing.

The Digital SAT Premium Video Course can be accessed in two ways:

  1. Piqosity’s Virtual Tutor 2.0 will guide students module-by-module according to their goals and timeline
  2. Students can manually browse through Digital SAT course topics to select the video they want to see

Like our 12 Digital SAT practice tests, the video course is currently free through September 19, 2024, after which date it will become part of our Honors and Advanced packages.

As part of our continuous efforts to enrich our learning materials through different modalities, the SAT video course joins our ACT and ISEE Upper Level video courses released earlier this summer.

More SAT Digital Resources

Sample Digital SAT Video Course Lesson on Measures of Center and Spread

SAT Video Course Practice Questions on Measures of Center and Spread

SAT Practice Test Question 1

5, 8, 12, 15, 17, 20, 22, 25

What is the median of the data shown?

a) 12
b) 16
c) 18
d) 20

SAT Practice Test Question 2

Data set X: 8, 12, 17, 23
Data set Y: 8, 12, 17, 23, 27

The lists give the values in data sets X and Y. Which statement correctly compares the mean of data set and the mean of data set Y?

a) The mean of data set X is greater than the mean of data set Y.
b) The mean of data set X is less than the mean of data set Y.
c) The means of data set X and data set Y are equal.
d) There is not enough information to compare the means.

SAT Practice Test Question 3

Each value in the data set shown represents the distance, in centimeters, that a toy car can travel when pushed down a ramp.

12, 26, 9, 19, 30, 7, 22, 15, 6, 24

What is the mean distance, in centimeters, of these toy cars after traveling down a ramp?

Digital SAT Video Answer Explanations